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CGI FINANCE Unveils Its First Customer Satisfaction Survey


CGI FINANCE, the leading European provider of nautical financing, has launched a satisfaction survey among its European partners. Here are the results.


CGI FINANCE, a leader in nautical financing, operates in 7 countries through a network of about 1,000 partners and boat dealers. Our strong market position is built on 48 years of experience, particularly due to our European presence and close relationships with our partners and customers.

Survey Details

CGI FINANCE conducted a satisfaction survey among its European partners in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, and Spain. The objective of this qualitative study was to gather feedback from our partners to improve our services and increase the satisfaction of both our partners and customers.

This first edition was conducted by an independent polling institute, BECOMING. Initially, a survey was carried out with 500 professionals from the French nautical sector between November 30, 2022, and February 19, 2023. Subsequently, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Germany were surveyed, with 500 dealers polled between April 5, 2023, and May 19, 2023.

Key Findings

As a result of this survey, CGI FINANCE has demonstrated its leadership in nautical financing in Europe, achieving an overall satisfaction rate of 85% among the surveyed dealers.

The survey highlighted the proximity of our teams and the efficiency of our back office as major strengths. This confirms our primary strength: our extensive commercial network deployed in France and internationally, with dedicated teams in each country where we operate. Being close to our partners is essential for us, and it works!

Our telephone service quality, the proximity of our interlocutors, and the competence of our sales staff both in the field and in our sales offices received high satisfaction scores. The speed of loan application processing and the autonomy of our staff in decision-making were also praised by dealers.

Our partners also commended the quality of our products and our marketing efforts. They highlighted the quality of our stands at boat shows, the presence and availability of our teams, and our quick response to new competitive products. These are undeniable strengths for succeeding in a constantly evolving market.

Areas for Improvement

The study also identified areas for improvement, even though satisfaction levels in these areas remain above 60%. Enhancements are being introduced in our financing offers and digital presence. In the digital domain, dealers mentioned digital training, social media presence, and lead generation (the process of attracting potential customers to boost future sales).

The CGI FINANCE team has already begun to take action in this regard. As this study confirms our market position, we have continued to develop our loan policy (approval criteria have been revised to reflect market developments), improve our digital tools, offer new insurance products (only in France) like Automobile Warranty (mechanical breakdown), and implement a communication plan, primarily focused on social media.

CGI FINANCE is committed to supporting and meeting the needs of its partners and customers.


CGI FINANCE, a subsidiary of the Société Générale Group, has been an expert in financing for over 70 years. The company supports car dealers, boat dealers, and loan consolidation by providing innovative and digital financing solutions that meet customer needs.

A leader in car financing in France, a leader in nautical financing in Europe, and a key player in loan consolidation, CGI FINANCE, with its 1,000 expert employees, offers high-value solutions.

With over 48 years of experience in nautical financing, we have decades of experience working with some of the largest shipyards in Europe.

CGI FINANCE offers innovative financing solutions for all types of boats, whether sail or motor, new or used, on credit and leasing with purchase options (LOA).

CGI FINANCE in Numbers:

  • 520,000 clients
  • 19 car sales agencies, including a digital agency, and a boat sales agency in France for closer proximity to our partners.
  • More than 1,000 employees
  • Partner of over 600 boat dealers and the largest shipyards in Europe
  • The leading independent car financier
  • The European leader in nautical financing

CGI FINANCE, a Responsible Group:

  • Employee Mobility Plan: CGI FINANCE has implemented several initiatives for the benefit of its employees, such as electric cars available for rental, electric charging points in the headquarters parking lot, and electrically assisted bicycles.
  • Complete Digital Pathway: CGI FINANCE is the only nautical financing entity offering electronic signatures and digitization of client files (innovative digital tools from financing application to file management).
  • Partnership with Project Rescue Ocean: This association organizes eco-friendly actions on beaches and inland areas.


SYS FINANCE and SYS CREDIT are exclusive brokers for CGI FINANCE in Spain and Portugal, headquartered in Palma de Mallorca. They have over 15 years of experience in nautical financing and a network of more than 500 dealers.